Questions? I'm glad you asked.
Get answers to common queries about our course to make an informed decision before embarking on your learning journey.
To answer your question, the Complete TradingView Course included in our website is a full course.
Meaning, it includes all the materials you need to learn tradingview from scratch, from a beginner to pro level. It also includes all the key elements in TradingView that are not taught in the Udemy version of the course.
Some of the materials covered in the course includes;
- Creating your TradingView Account
- Overview of the TradingView Interface
- Creating a Watchlist
- Changing Time Zones
- Plus 10 other sections.
Whereas the Udemy courses mostly includes basic knowledge of TradingView, the complete course is more comprehensive.
The complete course includes 10+ sections, 6+ hours on-demand videos, full lifetime access, Q&A Section. I hope this helps to elaborate more on the offering.
By the way you get a 80% discount LIMITED TIME OFFER. ENROLL NOW FORÂ $369.99 $69.99!
Follow this link to enroll now –
Let me know if you have any other questions by clicking on the chat icon. Thanks.
The Complete Online TradingView Course is a complete course.
Meaning, it includes all the materials you need to learn TradingView from scratch, from a beginner to intermediate level.
Absolutely! Our course caters to all skill levels, from beginners to intermediate traders.
You’ll have lifetime access to all course materials, including future updates.
You can find the data of various assets in TradingView including; Forex, Crypto, Indices, Commodities, and Metals.
No prior experience is required. Our course covers everything from the basics to advanced techniques.
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